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New Exhibits at Arte x Arte

New Exhibits at Arte x Arte

Buenos Aires: The Arte x Arte Gallery opened Thursday May 12 a total of five exhibits: La llegada de las mujeres silvestres, 5 acciones (sobre la memoria colectiva), Proyecto intervención del montacargas, Cuba-Absolute Revolution and Mi marido y yo, yo y mi esposa, with Eduardo Médici as artistic director.


Bottom Floor, Agua Hall

Julieta Anaut exhibits La llegada de las mujeres silvestres (The arrival of wild women), featuring intervened photographs plus paintings and engravings. This is a procession of women on their way to the past and the future, femmes that reinterpret the path to the origins and set the tone in terms of culture and nature. On this exposition, the artist said: “Nature is my biggest inspiration (…). It’s attractive for me to work with its presence and absence. In my pictures you’ll see all the time that linkage between the natural and the artificial. I’m drawn to borderlines as the limits between one thing and another.”


Bottom Floor, Metal Hall (video)

In his 5 acciones (sobre la memoria colectiva) (Five actions on collective memory), Javier Plano proposes a deconstruction of the official discourse that intends to shore up and establish a common historic memory. This deconstruction implies, in this case, not only to hinge on intellectual levels associated to the concept itself, but also to lay bare the weak links through the disarticulation of the fact’s materiality. Jorge Zuzulich is the exposition’s guest curator.


First Floor, Tierra and Madera Halls

In Cuba-Absolute Revolution, with the coordination of Cristina Diaz Erofeeva, several photographic projects come together: Dormir con…, La Familia, Hotel Habana y Revolution, by artists Enrique Rottenberg, Carlos Otero and Liudmila & Nelson, who address Cuba’s imaginary environment based on documental tours around the history of ordinary people.


Second Floor, Fuego Este Hall

Nicolas Ferrando presents Mi marido y yo, yo y mi esposa (My husband and me, me and my wife), curated by Pilar Altilio. Ferrando gives us a personal vision of family relationships from the portrait of couples’ naked bodies that model in response to the making of a possible biology handbook.


And finally, the Intervención del montacargas (Freight lifter intervention) project, featuring a one-and-only installation by Mariangeles Blanco, is also being exposed. The five exhibits will remain open thru June 25.


Source: Press release sent by Marisol Maidana