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Palabra de artista: Chema Madoz & Alberto Garcia-Alix at the School of Fine Arts Faculty at Madrid’s University

Palabra de artista: Chema Madoz & Alberto Garcia-Alix at the School of Fine Arts Faculty at Madrid’s University

MUSEOLOGY is an association aimed at facilitating the understanding and enjoyment of today’s culture, especially contemporary art. Founded in 2010, it began operating through its website and the publication of its first project, book Museos y Centros de Arte Contemporaneo en España.

In May, MUSEOLOGY, with the collaboration of Madrid University’s Fines Arts Faculty, is going to present its Palabra de artista program.

Palabra de artista (Artist’s word) is a series of exhibitions of artworks created by prestigious Spanish artists, in which they will be talking about their work and experience. These displays target students of Fine Arts, Art History and people interested in the latest artistic creation.

Handpicked artists this time are Chema Madoz (Madrid, 1958), who will be exhibiting on May 7 at noon and Alberto Garcia-Alix (Leon, 1956)on the 21st at 12:00 p.m. The displays are going to be held at Madrid University’s Fine Arts Faculty.

With the broadest definition of culture and taking contemporary culture as the base of today’s society, MUSEOLOGY, proposes these talks to understand and go deeper into art and, therefore, the culture and society of our time.

Source: Press release