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Patrick Steeger’s BORDES Y LIMITES

Patrick Steeger’s BORDES Y LIMITES

Chilean Patrick Steeger will be exhibiting, through October 28 at Casa E, Valparaiso, his Bordes y limites installation, which includes relief engravings, assemblies made of moldings and pieces.


Conceived by the artist as an installation with “object anomalies”, the piece merges sculptural, minimalist and kinetic strategies that organically interact with space. Its elements actually turn out to be part of the exhibition hall, a game in which the limits between art and design become blurred: engravings seem to be mural paper, sculptures are assembled moldings and “the work” lies on the experience of the hall that gets dyed due to the light effects of some pieces.


“When you get into the hall, you get into the work, by establishing ambiguity between decoration or the captured atmosphere, between a decorated place instead of an exhibition hall, where the content in the rhetoric of the ornamental object. I think that I’m not so focused on the productive process because I’ve been doing that for a long time, so I’ve aimed my efforts at staging, a collage of pure architecture specific characteristics, of dermis or surface that loses content since the theme is its own banal materiality”, Steeger has said.


This work is part of a research carried out by the artist with the collaboration of Celulosa Arauco, which has helped him to explore industrial processes and serial production norms in the industry of cellulose and wood. The evolution and results of this project are going to be put together on an upcoming publication, as well as an exhibition to be hold in 2014.


Patrick Steeger (1970)graduated in Arts at the Catholic University of Chile, he joined Felix Maruenda’s workshop and studied public sculpture at the Escola Massana, Barcelona. His poetics is based on a conceptual game among classic sculpture, the object, the site specific and the monumental.


Casa E
Calle Lautaro Rosas N° 344, Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso, Chile


Source: Press release