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Deadline for Excelencias Awards Nominations Extended thru Jan. 15

Deadline for Excelencias Awards Nominations Extended thru Jan. 15

The Excelencias Group created the Excelencias Awards in 2005, with the aim of promoting excellence in all areas related to tourism. Since then, they have become a benchmark for all those who work every day to achieve excellence not only in that field, but also in gastronomy, culture or sustainability.

We feel honored to have garnered, over the past ten years, the trust and enthusiasm of the companies, institutions and individuals who participate in the Excellence Awards and who have come to collect their awards with enthusiasm during FITUR's opening day. 

Considering the complicated situation all these sectors are in due to the COVID pandemic, at the Excelencias Group we want to be more than ever by the side of professionals in the fields of culture, gastronomy and tourism; celebrating their successes and plans for the future. 

That's why, for the first time in a virtual way, we're going to celebrate our Excelencias Awards on their traditional date: because the projects carried out or planned during this tough 2020 deserve enormous recognition! 

The virtual presentation of the 2020 Excelencias Awards will take place on January 27, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Spain.

Submit your nomination now!

About the Excelencias Awards

Historically, the presentation of the EXCELECIAS AWARDS to stakeholders and big players in the tourism industry, such as hotels, airlines, cruise lines or tour operators is complemented by awards in other areas. 

We have the EXCELENCIAS GOURMET AWARDS, which reward the most outstanding projects in gastronomy; an activity deeply linked to tourism. 

In addition, we give a Spirit of Excelencia Award to those projects whose essence is to support and improve society, both thanks to and for gastronomy and tourism. We also have three Awards honoring dear colleagues who have left us: "Silvia Zorzanello Award", to tourism projects in Brazil, "Ramón Álvarez Award", to institutions or personalities committed to MICE tourism, and "Nicolás Muela Award", to projects focused on research and promotion of gastronomic culture in Latin America. 

In recent years, the BLUE and GREEN mentions have been added to the Excelencias Awards, to reward projects committed to the sustainability of aquatic and terrestrial environments. 

For this 2020 we have added a new category, in which projects that work on wellness will be awarded for their fundamental work for human development: EXCELECIAS HONORARY MENTION in WELLNESS.

How Can I Present my Nomination?

With the subject "Nomination for the Excelencias TURÍSTICAS / GOURMET / ESPECIAL Awards", as appropriate, send an email to with the following information:

Name of the company and/or person submitting the project.

Name of the proposed project.

Brief explanation (two paragraphs MAXIMUM) of the proposal. Attached information files will be accepted.

Contact person (name, position, telephone, email) for details of the application.


JANUARY 15, 2021

For further information, please visit