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Sean Eternos Los Pinceles... ( Let the Brushes be Eternal…)

Sean Eternos Los Pinceles... ( Let the Brushes be Eternal…)

The exhibition opened on November 27th  at 19 h and it gathers twenty new works in which the artists worked at four hands.

All works were performed by two artists together, communicating through postal.


According to Maria Paula Zacharias in the text of the catalog accompanying the exhibition drawings are sent as letters. Everyone waits quietly the enigmatic response from the other. In a wooden box Unquillo to Martí¬nez, from Martí¬nez to Unquillo, a portrait, a vase of flowers, a cat ... and a half blank page. Halfway drawings the recipient must end.


That's the game.


The proposal for joint work emerged in 2012, during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of RO Galerí¬a Art. The name of the exhibit takes verse the Argentine national anthem and refers to freedom in artistic creation, the ability to break down barriers. In this case, the broken barrier is the individuality of the artist, which is abandoned after experimentation and creation of a "new I".


Sean Eternos Los Pinceles...

Carlos Alonso / Guillermo Roux
Opening: November 27th , 19h
Exhibition dates: from November 28th, 2014 to  March 20th , 2015 (closed January)
Hours: Monday to Friday 14 to 20 h