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Emerging Design at Madrid’s Matadero Design Central

Emerging Design at Madrid’s Matadero Design Central

Since June 27, 2013, Madrid’s Matadero Design Central has been hosting the exhibition titled “Box_Pop_1 Encajes de diseño en la Central”, a small show aimed at getting works exhibited out of designers’ studios, so they can go beyond the private, the exclusively professional and shed light on the community of designers.


The BOX_POP’s are annually curated to organize five showcases and handpick twenty-five participants per season. BOX_POP shows go on for 2-3 months. For this edition, DIMAD’s Board of Directors has appointed designer Lucinda Morrissey. She has chosen four DIMAD members, plus the conscripts in discord, to be participating in each edition. The project subtitle is “encajes de diseño (design fits)” because it’s hard to make a selection that fits and the chosen ones are to do something that represent their activity within the boxes.


The first season of POP_BOX includes designs created by Enrique Bordes, Enrique Mañes, Lala de Dios, Luis Urculo and Tres tipos graficos. It can be visited at the Design Central / DIMAD of Matadero, Madrid, June 27 – September 15, 2013.


Source: Press release