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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

New Book by Cuban Critic and Essayist Andres Isaac Santana Sees the Light of Day

Con prólogo de Fernando Castro Flórez, reconocido crítico y teórico del arte, y prefacio de María de los Ángeles Pereira, catedrática en historia d

ARCOmadrid Summons the First ARCObloggers Ideas Contest

Contemporary art bloggers and creators on the Internet will once again hold their annual gathering at ARCObloggers 2014, so ARCOmadrid is summoning the first edition of the ARCObloggers Ideas Cont

Gallery association works to Internationalize Chilean Art

The Association of Contemporary Art Galleries (AGAC) is the first association of galleries created in Chile, a sign of the maturity achieved by the gallery system and the development of a local ar

MACBA Showcases Philippe Méaille Collection of Art & Language Works

El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (MACBA) organiza un seminario para presentar al público el depósito de la Colección Philippe Méaille de documentos de

Cuba Attends the 55th Venice Biennial

The Cuban artists that are going to attend the 55th edition of the Venice Biennial were named on Saturday May 4, during a press conference held at Wifredo Lam Center of Contemporary Art

Alejandro Campins' “Reliquia”

Raymaluz Art Gallery will be hosting on Thursday May 9 the grand opening of a solo show by Alejandro Campins, a young Cuban artist graduated at Havana’s Higher Institute of Art, who has alre

The Human Body in Art from 20th & 21st Centuries in “From Death to Death and Other Small Tales”

“From Death to Death and Other Small Tales” is a show that puts together a selection of D. Daskalopoulos Collection’s works —one of the most outstanding private collec

Tokens of Change in “El ardid de los inocentes”

El sueño de las tilapias, by Renier Quer, is a metaphor on existential matters told through a sort of cartoon story on the wall, with a zoo bear cage as stage. “El ardid

Reflection on Landscape at Mexico’s Museum of the Fine Arts Palace

Mexico’s Museum of the Fine Arts Palace suggests Panoramica. Paisajes 2013-1969, April 25 – July 7. Word “landscape” stands for a terrain area, the represe

Art Basel Miami Beach. A small text beyond the enclaves

2012 Art Basel Miami Beach was definitely better that its previous edition. In spite of having included works created by a large number of artists, the tour around the fairgrounds wasn’t exh

Humberto Díaz. Contemporary art in several dimensions

Writing clearly, without subterfuges, metaphors, symbols or verbally difficult signs, Humberto Diaz has produced the largest and most spectacular works of Cuban contemporary art, huge enough as to

One of the Greatest ever: Oscar Niemeyer

The finest Latin American architect from the 20th century joined the Parnassus of the chosen ones to remain in the memory of universal culture. His universal scope is obvious due to the

Pinta NY. Near Macy’s and Cuny

En el corazón de Manhattan, donde la calle 34 está punto de encontrarse con la 5ta avenida, se realizó a fines del 2012, la sexta edición de la feria de arte PINTA NY,

Desafiando nuevos retos

El presente número de la revista continúa siendo luego de 4 años fiel a sus objetivos fundacionales. Durante este tiempo Arte por Excelencias ha sido una plataforma p