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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.
© M Leuven – non-exhaustive copyright

M Leuven. The Ten

Based on elements of visual literacy from the cultural theory ‘Cultuur in de Spiegel’, the common thread running through the project is the experience of art.
“La huella seca” de Manuel León


The Yusto/Giner Gallery presents the new individual exhibition of Manuel León in its space in Madrid.
Art Basel Hong Kong 2024, ABHK24, General Impressions, Public Interactions, PR, MC/ Courtesy of Art Basel

Art Basel Hong Kong 2024 closes to significant sales and a bristling local scene

Art Basel Hong Kong 2024 closes to significant sales and a bristling local scene, marking the show's return to full scale and largest edition since 2019.
Hiroshi Sugimoto, Past Presence 070, Tall Figure III, Alberto Giacometti, 2016, Fondation Giacometti © Hiroshi Sugimoto, 2024 © Succession Alberto Giacometti / Adagp, Paris 2024 Alberto Giacometti, Homme qui marche I, 1960, Fondation Giacometti © Succession Alberto Giacometti / Adagp, Paris 2024

Institut Giacometti. Giacometti / Sugimoto Staged

The Past Presence series focused on a choice of iconic works from Modern art, questioning the capacity of art to act as a symbolic force in today’s world.
'Klasikoak' programme

'Klasikoak' programme

The San Sebastián Festival and the Basque Film Archive will be offering more than 120 screenings of classic cinema in Klasikoak
NARI WARD Ground Break

NARI WARD Ground Break

The retrospective at Pirelli HangarBicocca presents, for the first time, a com­bination of works that interweaves Ward’s exploration of performativity and collaborative projects.
Juan-delgado-CORDEROS (Instalación)

Aurora, Juan Carlos Delgado. The Comet Bogotá

The show, which will include works that move between the limits of painting, sculpture and installation.

Fundació Antoni Tàpies: Chiharu Shiota. Everyone, A Universe

Through this project, Shiota reflects on the part of suffering in human existence.
Exhibition View. The Journey of the Paintings. Hitler’s Cultural Policy, the Art Trade and Storage Operations in the Salzkammergut in the Nazi Era, 2024 Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz Image: Violetta Wakolbinger

The Journey of the Paintings

Hitler’s cultural politics, art trade and storage during the NS era in the Salzkammergut.
Paint BAphoto


Pinta BAphoto celebrates its 20 years of performance and officially announces the opening of the application for exhibiting galleries interested in participating in this great anniversary edition.
Fremin Gallery @ the 2024 LA Art Show

Looking Ahead to the 2025 LA Art Show & Highlighting Participating Galleries from 2024

The LA Art Show is scheduled to return to the Los Angeles Convention Center from February 19-23, 2025.
© Dirk Pauwels

M Leuven. Form First

It is the perfect place to discover the domestic culture of the European 20th century bourgeoisie.
Joan Jonas. Still from Double Lunar Dogs. 1984. Video (color, sound), 24 min. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. © 2021 Joan Jonas. Image courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York

Joan Jonas: Good Night Good Morning

Joan Jonas: Good Night Good Morning presents drawings, photographs, notebooks, oral histories, film screenings, performances, and a selection of the artist’s installations.
Choreographies of the impossible in Buenos Aires

Choreographies of the impossible in Buenos Aires

The traveling exhibitions program of the 35th Bienal will win over Brazil and the world, launching internationally in Argentina on March 20