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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.


Latin America boasts a longstanding tradition in photography dating back to over a century and a half. However, in the course of the past three decades, the region has panned out to b


Guillermo Bastias was born in Chile. He studied Architecture and Filmmaking at the Universidad Catolica. His caricatures have been published by APSI, El Mercurio dominical, the <

Leap Into the Void: Juan Suarez Blanco’s Painting

The exhibition of Cuban artist Juan Suarez Blanco Insular Rhapsody, displayed last December, January and February at the Lombillo Palace in Old Havana, marked a turning point in the c

Jamaican Art in Cuba

Sometimes certain historical and cultural processesare preceded by elements, that although do not constitute notable events, allow us to perceive the significance they will achieved s

Caribbean Houses in the eye of an antique lover

Five hundred years of historyofthe Western Indies are covered in the Caribbean Houses book by Michael Connors donated to Havana by the author after its release. Dr. Connors, with more

Visual testimony of memory

Somewhere in the iconographicarray of contemporary art –trends, nuances, modalities– an expressive aspect slithers down, one the official criticism won’t hesitate to

Show your Face

Faces, Bodies, Personas...groups two series of pictures. It opens with the Bodies and Personas pages which, at the same time derive from the Queer at the Margins of Society

Another logbook of the islands

When I outlined the title for thisarticle I thought of the pioneer travelers from Spain (there is no written evidence about Viking and Asian expeditions; even on more recent dates som

Identity crisis?

A few years ago while I was reading oneof the main Brazilian newspapers with a morning cup of coffee, a piece of news in the sports section struck my attention: “Metropolis Spoo

Autonomy: Margins and Visibility

The ideal of autonomy –either in art, culture or otherdisciplinary fields– comes back from time to time. The claim is always the same: independence in this or that front i

Art and Life a journey timeframe: Hildamaria’s most recent work

Hildamaria’s most recent works are formulated in the atavistic language of human wisdom through multiple sources. A deep polytheism passes right through them because the heart o

6th Ventosul, the Curitiba Biennial

Under the title Beyond the Crisis, preps for the sixth edition of Ventosul Curitiba Biennial are underway in this city as the event is slated from Sept. 17 to Nov. 19. Head curators are A

The art of fallacy

“The work is worth a lump sum” (Damien Hirst)

Damien Hirst acts as his own intermediary, without taking the vital impulse that might

entijuanarte rEVOLUCIONa. Sociological art

Every artistic expression or intervention is born and projected in response to a cultural need. Such is the case of Revolucion Avenue, the oldest avenue of the city of Tijuana, BC (th