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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.
Study for the closing of the 2nd pavement for the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible © Vão / Fundação Bienal de São Paulo

Find out all of the participants and the architecture project of the 35th Bienal

Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announces the full list of 120 participants of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Man
The San Sebastián Festival

The San Sebastián Festival will be devoting a retrospective to the Japanese director Hiroshi Teshigahara

The classic film cycle at the 71st Festival will be complemented by the publication of a book of interviews with the filmmaker published in collaboration with the Basque Film Archive.
S.H.Kim: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, Room 1 | Jake Clark: MONSTER MASH, room 3

Galería Yusto/Giner: Double Opening

S.H.Kim: IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, Room 1 | Jake Clark: MONSTER MASH, room 3
Jaume Plensa, Laura With Bun, 2014 Cast iron, 703 x 310 x 99 cm Installation view at Human Landscape.

Something Sacred: Jaume Plensa

Something Sacred is an open-air exhibition around the city of Mons showcasing almost 20 monumental works by the internationally renowned Catalan sculptor and engraver Jaume Plensa.
Outstanding! The Relief from Rodin to Picasso

Outstanding! The Relief from Rodin to Picasso

Rodin, Matisse, Gauguin, Picasso, Jean Arp, Yves Klein… They all created outstanding art in the truest sense of the word—reliefs. This summer, the Städel Museum is presenting a major exhibition on the
GORDON PARKS Untitled, Chicago, Illinois, 1953 Archival pigment print 14 x 13 7/8 inches, image Edition 1 of 15

Gordon Parks, The Early Years: 1942 - 1963

June 30 - August 5, 2023
Daniel Núñez: AFTERGLOW

Daniel Núñez: AFTERGLOW

The Yusto/Giner Gallery presents the first individual exhibition of Daniel Núñez in its space in Madrid.
Rahma Lhoussig at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Lisbon

Rahma Lhoussig at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Lisbon

African Arty is delighted to announce that the artist Rahma Lhoussig is currently exhibiting at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Lisbon, alongside the great founding masters of Moroccan moder
VIGIL GONZALES Santo Domingo: Gonzalo Hernandez

VIGIL GONZALES Santo Domingo: Gonzalo Hernandez

The reflection of Gonzalo Hernandez, through his work, explores the chain of different types of appropriation and inserts himself in this discussion.

Ai☆Madonna Solo Show

The show puts together 15 shaped artworks of various sizes, executed with the artist radical signature technique; Ai☆Madonna will complete a large live painting, as part of a performance, during the op
Alexander Nolan, The Mexican Restaurant, 2023, Acrylic on Burlap, 30"x45"

READYMADE: "Summer Solstice"

READYMADE, the new satellite gallery of Freight+Volume is pleased to announce Summer Solstice, an exhibition of works by Jared Deery, Lauren Luloff, and Alexander Nolan.
Pol Taburet, OPERA III: ZOO “The Day of Heaven and Hell”

Pol Taburet, OPERA III: ZOO “The Day of Heaven and Hell”

OPERA III: ZOO "The Day of Heaven and Hell" is Pol Taburet's first solo exhibition in an institution.
Exhibition view, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz, 2023/ Photo:


Бољи живоt is the first solo exhibition in Austria by New York based artists TARWUK.
The Measure of Time

Artmedia Gallery: The Measure of Time

Artmedia Gallery proudly presents the group exhibition The Measure of Time, which gathers a selection of photographs taken from more extensive series produced by artists Claudia Ammirata, G.A. Jakubovi