The artwork of Sonja Gangl, with its conceptual content and methods, urges the beholder to look closer, to think outside the box, and to transcend boundaries. The Austrian artist is known especially fo
The Jack Shainman Gallery in New York opens its 2020 season with the exhibition "Andy Warhol Photography: 1967-1987" made up of a selection of snapshots taken by the artist during those years and which
The multicultural magazine of Latin America and the Caribbean, Arte por Excelencias, circulates its 49th edition corresponding to the first two months of 2020. Focused on the cultural events of thirtee
With approximately 200 works by sixty U.S. and Mexican artists, Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists Remake American Art, 1925–1945 will reveal the profound impact of Mexico's three leading mura
The Corpus collective exhibition brings together the work of five Cuban painters who focus their visual discourse on the human body. From different expressions, the body is the protagonist o
The Bundeskunsthalle, in collaboration with the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, is presenting a major exhibition to mark, in the native city of the famous composer, Beethoven's 250th birthday.
Ludwig van Beethov
This Saturday, January 11, the artists of N2 Gallery, Teresa Gancedo and Kenor, will perform a guided tour at Drap-Art'19, the 23rd edition of the Sustainable Art Festival that takes place at the Marit
These are sculptures by the Chinese artist Xu Hong Fei who arrived to celebrate 500 years of founded Havana. It is a song to beauty in all its forms, to music, to love and to life in a general sense. I
It may seem that the Chilean public has always known them: this warmth has been the reception that dance lovers have given to the Cuban company Acosta Danza in this country.
Acosta Danza made its debu
Arts+Leisure is pleased to announce Armageddon Yacht, an exhibition of collage-based works by Michael Anderson. Spotlighting the artist’s visceral approach to collage, the works on display combine ima