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Museo Picasso Málaga | William Kentridge. More Sweetly Play The Dance

Museo Picasso Málaga | William Kentridge. More Sweetly Play The Dance

More Sweetly Play the Dance by the South African artist William Kentridge (born Johannesburg, 1955) is a spectacular video installation measuring almost forty metres long. It presents an infinite procession of moving figures, a device regularly used by the artist to champion the individuality of every human being, the importance of the body and the power of dance to keep death at bay.

The procession of people carrying their belongings or different objects evokes migratory movements resulting from outbreaks of war, the quest for utopias or climate threats.

William Kentridge is internationally recognized for his drawings, films, and theatre and opera productions. His working method combines drawing, writing, film, performance, music and theatre to create works of art based on politics, science, literature and history while maintaining a space for contradiction and uncertainty. Kentridge’s work has been shown in museums and galleries around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Musée du Louvre in Paris, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.

On the cover: William Kentridge, More Sweetly Play the Dance, 2015

Eight channel HD film installation. Duration 15 minutes

Colección Fundació Sorigué

© William Kentridge

Photocredit Studio Hans Wilschut

Courtesy Lia Rumma Gallery


Source: Show On Show