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Closure of Cuban posters in Italy

Closure of Cuban posters in Italy

In the Palazzo delle Albere, built in the sixteenth century in Trento, Italy, from November 24, 2018 and until March 24, received 17 thousand visitors the extraordinary exhibition of posters of the island «Cuban Poster, revolutionary graphics», selected from Luigino Bardellotto's collection of the Center for Cuban Studies in Venice.

The exhibition - made up of 292 works - represented a precious opportunity to learn about the art of the Cuban poster and its creators who, between endless difficulties, knew how to interpret a legendary historical moment and that still today are the protagonists and creators of a unique cultural and political communication, revolutionary in form and content.

The posters on display cover the most diverse fields: from international political solidarity to service information; from the tourist promotion to the communication of artistic events. Special interest was given to the cinema posters. Precisely to these was devoted a specific section of posters promoted by the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry, already highly valued on the occasion of "Made in Cuba", the exhibition of the Turin Film Museum that was opened in 2016 for more than six months.

At the closing of island «Cuban Poster, revolutionary graphics» in Trento, which was extended for a month in the face of the continuous influx of public, the Ambassador of Cuba in Rome and the Consul in Milan attended.