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Cuban and American Artists Paint second Mural in Cuba

Cuban and American Artists Paint second Mural in Cuba

By: Por Francisco G. Navarro


Cienfuegos, Cuba.- Called by the US Cuba Artist Exchange organization, Cuban and U.S artists are displaying in this city of the central region of the country, the second mural painted in Cuba in 2014 besides another one in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Mariesa Ryan, who heads this project with no profit motive in mind since Abril, 2012, told the press that now they are making theirs third annual tour throughout the island, which will conclude this week in the eastern Cuban province of Santiago de Cuba with video and music proposals.


This mural exhibited in Cienfuegos city was painted on the façade of the professional photographer Omar Valenti’s house, and the first one was painted on the singer-songwriter Nelson Valdés’s house. Both are members of US Cuba Artist Exchange organization.


They will present in Santiago de Cuba along with Golpe seco hip hop group, as part of the cultural project Kilómetro 969, Ryan noted.


Paul Irmiter, a member of the small US delegation visiting Cuba, is preparing his documentary titled Closer than you think, an audiovisual project on the artistic interchange carried out between both countries.


This film should be premiered in Minneapolis, headquarters of the US Cuba Artist Exchange organization, and screened in Cuba in 2015.


Mariesa Ryan stressed that the most important thing for this group is to continue making collaboration projects of this kind involving US and Cuban artists, both in plastic arts and music.


About the repercussion of this project, Ryan explained that it has had much of an impact in the Cuban press, more than in her country, where the media outlets do not pay much attention on this type of community labor they are more interested in the magnificence of the news, she concluded


Source: PL