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Good Omen for this Number 13

Good Omen for this Number 13

Over two hundred people attended yesterday in Havana the launch of Arte por Excelencias magazine’s issue 13th, reaching its fourth year of life.


Backed up by Cuba’s Writers and Artists League, especially its Fine Arts Department, the issue was presented by acclaimed architect Mario Coyula, who congratulated its editorial and design staff, as well as writers and artists: “Rereading the magazine, I was surprised by the talent shown as it packs a remarkable amount of important texts into 96 pages (…) some give a lesson, others ignite debate, and there are others that entail both things.”


Cuban art critic and curator Nelson Herrera Ysla, Arte por Excelencias’ new editor, spoke about the Excelencias Group’ intention to support cultural events that have a positive impact on the region, by providing spaces to promote specific zones of the Americas’ contemporary visual arts. In this respect, Coyula said that “the editorial orientation toward Latin America and the Caribbean positions the magazine in an off-the-beaten-track niche, precisely when the creative movement is gaining momentum in the region, and that includes small countries with lack of representation in specialized publications. It’s all a good example of sharpness that confirms what people say about being in the right place at the right time”.


Arte por Excelencias issue 13 is also available since yesterday in 2012 ARCOmadrid Art Fair, while its digital version can be browsed on