March 12 sets the deadline for the call of public space intervention projects, part of Ceci n'est pas une voiture. Artefactos móviles acechan al museo project, boosted by Idensitat, Can Xalant. Centre de Creació i Pensament Contemporani de Mataró e ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies.
Ceci n'est pas une voiture. Artefactos móviles acechan al museo project is set out as a documentation and reflection exercise on the construction of mobile artifacts, for an expanded conception of Museum[1] or, instead, as an alternative. It’s all about a research project which tries to catalogue and reflect on those initiatives that, going around the public space, collided with the conventional notion of Museum and, instead of it, reformulate the functions of the exhibition circuit as nomadic platform for direct and self-managed participation, for social research development and the implementation of educational experiences.
The call is aimed at creators who contribute with proposals in the sphere of public audience from a trans-disciplinary perspective and the will of interacting under different strategies in the social space of Mataró and Vic cities (Barcelona). Participants will have to formulate a proposal integrating the Idensitat Traveling Circuit for Mataró and CXR, Can Xalant, for Vic. A project must be suggested by using these tools, which can be carried out in any of the city sites or its action sphere.
The space concept shall be understood with its double condition, physical and social. Beyond this determining factor, the call has a broad characteristic, so projects’ objectives can be directed to cultural, political and educational matter. Be that what it made, the tactic and its formalization will have to deal with tension elements present in the public space. The definitive location of handpicked proposals in the public space will depend on the obtaining of municipal permission.
Proposals must be put in the map in a 30 days period, between May 1 and June 30, 2011. Handpicked project will count on 4.000€, 1500€ of which in terms of honoraries and 2.500€ for production (taxes included). The organization will assume the cost of accommodation, transportation and technical support; likewise, it’ll give 1.750€ for travelling expenses for a 30-day stay. Selected projects will make up the exhibition and the publication around the context.
The selection of projects will be up to a committee made up of: Jesus Carrillo, Director of Public Activities Division, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía National Museum; Pep Dardanyà, director of Can Xalant; Pilar Bonet, historian, art critic and professor of contemporary art and design at Universitat de Barcelona; Jordi Canudas, visual artist and professor of l'Escola Massana Centre d'Art i Disseny-UAB; Ramon Parramon, director of ACVIC e Idensitat; Marti Peran, commissioner and professor of Art Theory at Universidad de Barcelona; Cristina Riera, cultural agent and responsible of I+D Trànsit Projectes.
People and collectives interested in participating must complete and send the Application Form, which can be downloaded at: Likewise, a pdf document must be attached, so it describes the project (6.000 characters maximum), images (10 maximum), schedule, detailed budget and brief curriculum (1.000 characters maximum). The documentation must be emailed to: .
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[1] On this subject matter, we suggest consulting Tomas Ruiz-Rivas Aguado: “El museo minimo”, a. II, no. 5, 2010, pp. 82-87, in our Arte por Excelencias magazine.