Buenos Aires: The ongoing exhibition entitled New Figuration 1961-1965, that will remain open till mid 2011 at the National Museum of Fine Arts, culls works by Argentine artists Ernesto Deira, Romulo Maccio, Luis Felipe Noe and Jorge de la Vega, all members of the like-name group.
It’s all about “a sequential and chronological development made up of five main cores that showcase the white-heat’s pace evolution of both the artistic and conceptual discourse of these four artists who, by coming together changed the history of Argentine painting,” said curator Mercedes Casanegra.
“The curatorial script intends to lay bare the development of each of the four artists –the quests and encounters of their individual discourses and identities- in a parallel way to the exhibition, as a way to show the hefty inquiry of the artistic approaches of the four members who turned the institution into painting and the state of the Argentine visual arts into the time prior to the rupture that came to pass in the late 1950s and the early 60s,” she added.
In addition to being part of the National Museum of Fine Arts to mark the bicentennial of the May Revolution, by the hand of this exhibit the institution is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Another Figuration, the first exposition organized by Deira, Maccio, Noe and De la Vega back in 1961, at the Peuser Gallery in Buenos Aires.
Source and quotations: New Figuration, text written by the exhibition curator, posted on the website of the National Museum of Fine Arts: http://www.mnba.org.ar