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VIGILGONZALES at Untitled, Miami Beach

VIGILGONZALES at Untitled, Miami Beach

_VIGILGONZALES is pleased to announce its participation in Untitled Art Fair, Miami Beach within the curated section NEST with works by Puerto Rican artist Karlo Andrei Ibarra (Puerto Rico, 1982).

Karlo Andrei Ibarra departs from conceptual experimentation with materials charged with social significance-such as blackboards, arrest cuffs and dreamcatchers, neckties, taps and maps-to undermine layers of meaning in their politicization. Ibarra's procedure begins with the estrangement of the object, that is, the extraction of the object from its normalized space of use to later, in an exercise of conceptualization, produce an effect that detonates the original material and evidences the reflexive trigger of each work. Sometimes bringing together two elements of different origins or adding and superimposing layers of meaning, Ibarra tries to take the viewer as a reflexive accomplice who can observe as a whole the current political paradigm that is common to all of us.

_VIGILGONZALES gallery is conceived as a contemporary art gallery, with spaces located in the Peruvian Andes, Santo Domingo and Buenos Aires, in which it aims to promote the agency of artists within the Latin American and global scene. The gallery is conceived as a site for research and cultural, disciplinary and knowledge exchange.

Within the framework of a global artistic production where the questions and motifs raised are part of a common unknown, VIGIL GONZALES promotes the exhibition of artists based in Latin America and the United States. The purpose is based on making visible the "dialects" -marked by the regions where the artists work- that make up the contemporary language of art.

Like the artists that make up our roster, VIGIL GONZALES has established itself as an active node within the international scene.

Booth B18 

VIP Preview Day (Invitation Only):
Tuesday, December 5th, 12pm-7pm

Open to the Public:
Wednesday, December 6, 11am-7pm

Thursday, December 7, 11am-7pm

Friday, December 8, 11am-7pm
Saturday, December 9, 11am-7pm
Sunday, December 10 11am-5pm

On the cover: Karlo Andrei Ibarra. Pinturas Geopolíticas, 2023. Acrylic on canvas. 48 x 60 in | 122 x 152 cm

Source: VIGILGONZALES gallery