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Chile: Art & Market

Chile: Art & Market

Massimiliano Gioni, curator of the upcoming edition of Venice Biennial, inaugurated Ch.ACO 2012 on September 27, in the Chilean capital. As a special guest, he also participates in Auditorio conferences program, a series of talks curated by Isabel Garcia and Apsara DiQuinzio for this event, which is considered the main platform for contemporary art market in Chile.


The fourth edition of this fair, one of the most important cultural events that annually takes place in that nation, is open to the public till today, October 1. Thirty galleries from eleven countries, most of them Chilean, participates in the show: we can mention AFA, Isabel Aninat and Metales Pesados Visual, as well as Arroniz Arte Contemporaneo (Mexico), Artur Fidalgo (Brazil), Bendana-Pinel Art Contemporain (France), Espacio Minimo (Spain), Gachi Prieto (Argentina), DPM Gallery (Ecuador), LaMontagne Gallery (United States), SOA (Uruguay), Vertice (Peru) and Nueveochenta (Colombia).


Ch.ACO has put on the table a meeting spot that gathers all components of visual arts: artists, gallery owners, private companies, education institutions, foundations, private collection, museums, publishing companies, buyers and viewers. The Fair confers international character to the city, promotes visual arts, represents an opportunity for viewers to admire and talk about contemporary art and contributes to the strengthening of the country’s cultural identity.


Furthermore, as every high-quality show that targets art market, Ch.ACO has already generated a “satellite” event that works as a complement and/or alternative to the traditional fair schedule: OFF Chacoff (Organized Out of the Fair), with over 50 spaces simultaneously carried out to boost a touristic and cultural circuit among Santiago, Providencia and Ñuñoa, unlike commercial gallery activities. That’s the reason why, on the same days, participating galleries, premises, workshops, groups of artists, cultural centers and art schools are holding different activities for free: exhibitions on experimental art, painting, sculpture, photography, audiovisuals screenings, live music, performance, street art, talks, open workshops and traveling galleries, which merge the production of young artists with acclaimed creators such as Liliana Porter and Maximo Corvalan.


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Source: Press release