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The Ecuador of poetry

The Ecuador of poetry

When we talk about Ecuador I inevitably go back to that naive and curious girl I was and to the teachings of my unforgettable primary teachers. Those years left me committed to a personal geography, made up of countries, places, people, characters, books, cultures and something more ungraspable that perhaps has to do with the lessons that provoked my amazement.

I began to write like almost everyone: conjuring love with words that resisted to resemble others, because love, in general, we always conceive it as unique. I often thought that I had not managed to put my feet in the line of the two hemispheres, as is the common dream of travelers, until in 2014 Cuba dedicated its International Book Fair to Ecuadorian culture. The meeting with authors of several generations, and much of their literature published for the occasion, led me to work for the Orient Editorial with some of those books.

As a song I have been versed since then by César Dávila Andrade, whose wide selection I edited for the knowledge of the Cuban reader. The Ecuador of poetry celebrates the centenary of the birth of the poet. November announces the expected International Book and Reading Fair of Quito. There will be authors and Cuban books.