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Sexy Books For All Ages

Sexy Books For All Ages

Jornadas sobre edicion y arte contemporaneo, where different reflections on the independent conception of book-objects and promotional elements linked to the present visual production will be promoted, are going to be held on April 19 – 21 in Matadero Madrid, under the suggestive name Sexy Books for All Ages.


This activity has gained momentum since the 1960s,especially from the approach of conceptual art. Nowadays, it turns out to be essential in the development and spreading of many artistic projects that use the book as platform, and facilitates theoretical approaches that have been already formulatedor are about to be.


Due to their multiple character, books facilitate a vast access to the information and, at the same time, produce a one-of-a-kind experience, thus questioning the historic concept given to artworks and positioning themselves as an alternativeto the institutionalized spreading channels.


These sessions, structured from eight conferences and four dialogues, try to raise questions related to what being an author means, being a distributor and, even, a bookseller for these kinds of projects. Among the participants: Damian Ortega (Alias Editorial, with El libro como escultura publica), Maria Berrios (vaticano chico), Alessio Ascari (Kaleidoscope, lecture on the edition of art magazines), Jaime Vallaure (Entreascuas Editores), Isidoro Valcarcel Medina, François Piron (Paraguay Press), Alex Grifeu (CRU),Javier Peñafiel, Maria Fusco (The Happy Hypocrite), Ferranel Otro (Save as… Publications), Francesc Ruiz, Glòria Picazo (director of Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida), Mariano Mayer (Script and Rodolfo Temperley),Dora Garcia (artist), Javier Codesal (artist and poet) and Julian Rodriguez (Periférica).


Sexy Books for All Ageshas been organized by RMS, the Asociacion y Matadero Madrid, with the collaboration of the Institut Français. For registrations, visit coordinació

