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Wifredo Lam’s work to tour Europe in 2016

Wifredo Lam’s work to tour Europe in 2016

The multicultural resolution of Cuban painter Wifredo Lam (1902-1982) captivates these days the attention of the European public through an anthological exhibition that gathers about 300 of his pieces.


The Centre Pompidou in Paris and two other art galleries like Reina Sofia Museum, in Madrid, and London’s Tate Modern organize the biggest retrospective—after the posthumous monograph—of whom was one of the most important painters of the last century.


These paintings, drawings, engravings and ceramics, besides archive material and photographs, are the exhibit that since last September 30 is displayed in the French center and it will remain until February 15.


Trying to limit Lam’s mixed blood personality and imprint, the Pompidou referred to him as singular and paradoxical, which increases the expectations in the Spanish venue, prepared to receive the exhibit between April and August, followed then by the Tate Modern, since September until January 2017.


Precisely from the misunderstandings about Lam’s work and figure comes this present monograph as said the organizers, which is now in charge to clear “reductionist enthusiasm” to a complex universe “that reinvents and articulates itself among diverse geographic and cultural spaces”.


These determining factors, Lam’s Cuban identity plus other implicit characteristics of his work, like the secret and the interpretations about his origins and his irregular path around the world will be the one going through this anthology and will carry it out to the other scheduled places.


Source: RHC