The architectural medieval wonders of Assisi are majestically captured in all the magnificence of its poetic infinity, by the intelligent manipulations and the professional expertise of a veteran Italian creator: Alfredo Cannatello. In this opportunity Cannatello leads the public on the discovery of Assisi’s exceptional Medieval architecture, with a play on lighting, chiaroscuro, the colours at sunset on the natural colours of the stones and flora in Spring. The exhibition allows the public to enjoy the patrimonial wonders chosen by this talented artist of the lens: churches, convents, squares, alleys, arches, altarpieces enriched by local artists (dating as far back as the 12th century), shown without any contamination from the 21th century.
Alfredo Cannatello was born in Crema, Lombardy, where he also held his first exhibition. In 1971 he moved to Bergamo and began collaborating with national and international advertising agencies. He also gained experience with fashion photography and cinema and television as a director of photography with various documentaries and short movies. In 2002 he began his Cuban experience with his fortuitous encounter with Eusebio Leal Spengler, historian of Havana, who will present a few years later his first exhibition “Asis” in the convent of S. Francis of Assisi in Havana. In 2012, in his city of Crema, he was given the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chiostri del Museo Sant’Agostino.