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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Killing the Discursive Father?

How can art reviews be made in the Americas? That’s a heck of a question. How can art reviews be focused on a young art where, as we read in this section of the magazine’s first issue, definition, iden

Octavio Paz and art review

A shortfall of research studies on the continental arts is the theoretical context poet Octavio Paz’s critical contribution hinges on. During the First Iberian American Meeting of Art Critics and Fine

Michael Dweck.

Michael Dweck is a sensualist, a documentarian, a good story teller, and a great admirer of feminine beauty. He is also something of an islander in spirit, raised as he was on Long Island, New York. In

Vernacular architecture in Caracas

Today’s Caracas boasts only a handful of colonial ambiences. The impetuousness of modernity rules the urban image, determined by the number and verticality of buildings, huge avenues and thoroughfares

Editorial 4 English

The fourth issue of Art by Excelencias brought to our readers today speaks volumes of how our publication –in a short span of time– has been enhancing its ties with experts, institutions, artists and c

The Lynx, the mask and the tightrope

Maurizio Cattelan’s playful heresies are pigeonholed in the controversy between essence and appearance that rules different contemporary disguising strategies. Among the body, the object and the action

Latin American public art over the last two decades.

From a multitude of approaches, art critics, curators, artists and other experts have homed in on what they call public art, though there’s no such thing as a stamped theoretical definition resulting f


Over thirty books have been written about Alfredo Jaar (Chile, 1956). Outstanding thinkers from around the globe have churned out brilliant texts on the most recognized Chilean artist worldwide. Some o


Born in Corozal, Sucre, Colomb

Local traces


The Traces: The Private Eye exhibition is an initiative thought out by artists who set up a company for the registration and transfer of the personal stamps of their works

Cildo Meireles. Against hegemonic ideas in art

Frames, as much as borders, bug Cildo Meireles. That’s why he doesn’t make movies despite the interest he once had in it 40 years ago. The point is films usually end with a similar format and is not a


It’s becoming increasingly common to see brick-and-mortar art promotional places getting their virtual correlate on the world wide web or the Internet. There are times when the giant network

Does the Abuse Stop Here?

In his cult text “The Sufficiently Good Artist: Beyond the Avant-Garde Artist,” Donald Kuspit hurt for forever more the pride-swollen megalomania found in that kind of artist. Kuspit stripped the histr

Agbón Ilé

The Orí. El Òrìsà personal exhibition is just another excuse to take back on Santiago Rodriguez Olazabal’s artwork, one of the esthetic proposals that be