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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Kahlo & Rivera (Year of Mexico in France)

Roughly a hundred by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera could be watched at the National Museum of l’Orangerie in the month of September as part of a number of cultural, scientific, fundraising an

HEROINES at the Thyssen-Bornemisza

Madrid: As many as 120 pieces collected from museums around the world, representing some of the most celebrated women portraits will be exposed at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum from March 8 to Jun

Rooms of their own

Madrid: Seventeen artists have come up with a project called A Room of Your Own that opens on March 8 at the exhibition hall of the School of Fine Arts of the Universidad Complutense.


The genre discourse is part of the visual arts’ contemporary language, yet its entelechy is marked by the circumstances of being a woman, all in herself, one of the permanent reasons of thei

Boullosa, Costa, Zabala. In between the interstices of tradition

The publication of the only issue of arturo magazinein 1944 marked the beginnings of the first movement of abstract art in Argentina. It is a form of art that invents and opposes

Juan Acevedo Fernandez de Paredes

He was born in Lima in 1949. He studied Letters and Fine Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and History of Art at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Sin

Making Way for the Vanguards

Two years since its first cycle of life we’re nowcelebrating with the presentation of issue eight, the Arte por Excelencias magazine is fulfilling its natural goal: to make way for

Rufo in 7 Assertions

1. With his constantly increasing professional evolution, Rufo Caballero showed that he was an endless creator of intellectual genre or communicative expression. Hence his project

On a line of powder

Santiago Rueda strikes back with a Line of Powder, quieter and more effective in his analysis of a particular local artistic phenomenon. Art and Drugs in Colombia, the winner tex

Alas con Puntas, A work in progress and its main ideoesthetic codes

Tipped wingsis a project worth taking a look at for a number of good reasons.First of all, for its hefty multi or interdisciplinary stamp in which the plastic arts

Sara Hooper. The Temptation of Flesh

Flesh is the laconic, intense title of the latest collective exhibit Sara Hooper has been involved in. Even though the word carnein Spanish seems to underscore the animal charact

Alexandre Arrechea. The rules of play

If you were standing outside the internationalfestival of Latin American film in Cuba and didn’t have the money to attend how would you gain admittance? Would you plan a covert path of entry


Madrid: El Espacio Cultural Excelencias inaugurará hoy viernes 4 de marzo a las 20:00 horas, la muestra Paisajes cobianos, del artista Mariano Cobo (Comillas, Cantabria, 1953)

2011 ARCO MADRID: Post-crisis art

As a wrap-up of the fair that got the contemporary art season going in the Spanish capital in the month of February, A x E News recommends readers the comment entitled ARCO MADRID 2O11: Post-C