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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Jordi Sarrà’s Photographic Vision

Atapuerca. Museo de la Evolucion Humana photographic book – a work in which nature, art and evolution shake hands – is going to be launched tomorrow, Thursday March 1, at 20:0

Moro Bros: Advertising 50-70

An exhibition on Estudios Moro, pioneers on cinematographic advertising in Spain, was opened today at Aguila Aguirre Hall (Madrid Community’s Regional Archive).

Havana Biennial: Guests and Projects

The Organizing Committee of Havana Biennial recently unveiled the list of participants to the eleventh edition of the event.

SWAB to Come Back in May

The fifth edition of SWAB, International Fair on Contemporary Art, is going to be held on May 23 - 26 at the Pavilion 2 of Fira Barcelona.

Ariel Orozco: Cuban Art in Italy

Detras del cristal, commissioned by Chris Sharp, is going to be receiving viewers through March 25 at the 16th, Plaza Montevecchio, and represents a deep and dynamic reflection on some of

Angel Ramirez: The Individual’s Dimension

Sello de Familia, Cuban artist Angel Ramirez’s personal exhibition is going to be opened on Friday at Olimpo Cultural Center, Merida, Yucatan.


Ten creators make up the list of Trans-Human, an exhibition that will be opened to viewers at JM Gallery, Malaga, through March 17.

Maggi at Cayon Gallery

The acclaimed Uruguayan Marco Maggi inaugurated a personal exhibition on February 16 in the Spanish capital, which the artists said “proposesan itinerarywith 400 stops and no destination. A

Factoria Habana Opens

Two exhibitions with a different profile were inaugurated last Friday 24 at Factoria Habana: Rojo Verdoso, by The Merger group and Patria, by Alejandro Campins, both commissioned

Mabel Poblet´s artwork with Collage Habana

Art Madrid Leaves Sweet Aftertaste

With a strong presence of local galleries and after seven editions, the fair has focused its efforts on promoting young collecting, along with a boost to emerging art, from sections Young Art (wit

Architect Mario Coyula’s remarks at the launch Arte por Excelencias’ 13th issue

Rereading the magazine, I was surprised by the talent shown as it packs a remarkable amount of important texts into 96 pages, without affecting the quality or boring the readers, though in some ca

Good Omen for this Number 13

Over two hundred people attended yesterday in Havana the launch of Arte por Excelencias magazine’s issue 13th, reaching its fourth year of life.

Elena Ospina

Painter, illustrator and cartoonist born in Colombia. She began her work as an illustrator at the newspaper El Espectador. Over the last twenty years she has worked on numerous editorial

Too many catalogs

In the art world it is not uncommon to encounter critics affirming a twenty-year career without having published a single book. This peculiarity creates irritation amongst literary co