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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Havana Biennial: Side Exhibitions 2012

(...) Organizing the Eleventh Havana Biennial in 2012 has been a challenge to the National Council of Plastic Arts, in the first place, and to the Wifredo Lam Center of Contemporary A

Whitney Biennial: More or less under the same roof

Since 1932, the Whitney Biennial, featuring artists who allegedly take the pulse of the visual arts in New York and around the world, is held under the same roof. What was the outstan

ARCO 2012: Play, Transcend, Buy

The latest edition of ARCO 2012 has come to a close, leaving the doors open to some kind of generalized optimism. Art analysts and an increasing number of economists describe a somewh

With the Music Inside

A decolonial reading of the 26th National Visual Arts Biennial in Santo Domingo

About Submarines and Castles in the Sky

Esterio Segura’s new installation project for the 11th edition of the Havana Biennial (2012) implies the construction of a number of handmade underwater limousines and cars to be deployed al

Sightings at Cuba’s Contemporary Art. The passion of Jose Busto

According to various seasoned Cuban artists and curators, one of the greatest weaknesses of our artistic field in the face of the international competition for exposé, position

Art Collecting Today, Heritage Tomorrow

Q & A with Corina Matamoros


(...) All series of objects tell you something about the hand that collects them. T



Flashing its monochromatic character, and like if it’s all about pictures, Reyneiro Tamayo’s recent work plays to be a landscape, schemes it as fiction. The artist offe

Art and Social Responsibility in the Heart of Central America Ortiz-Gurdian Foundation


In the mid 1990s, the random encounter between Fernando Paiz and Ramiro Ortiz on a plane unleashed a number of developments that triggered a sea change in Central Amer

4th Pragmatic or the Utopia of Generosity

“Es un parque de diversiones”. “Una feria de artesanía”. “Van a construir una galería de tiendas”. En la parada inicial del P2, en la esquina de 3

Reynerio Tamayo’s Invite to Have Fun

Reynerio Tamayo’s Gangsters en La Habana can be admired among the exhibitions of Cuban artists showcased at La Cabaña since last Thursday, one of the venues of coll

When Order Is Born out of CHAOS

Caos se nombra la muestra colectiva expuesta en Galería Habana desde este 9 de mayo y hasta el 10 de junio. Allí convergen piezas de creadores cubanos contemporá

Patricia Villalobos, between the playful and the offensive

Patricia Villalobos Echeverria was born in Tennessee, United States and grew up in Nicaragua, got her master’s in Art at the University of West Virginia, in 1990. Her work has been a hybrid

HB… A Right Move for Cuban institutions

Cuban art is truly acclaimed and valued worldwide, particularly since the 1980s, when a vigorous generation of young artists graduated in arts schools gained momentum in important enclaves for int