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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Printed Art: A New Encounter

The First Hispanic American Symposium on Printed Art will unfold July 25-27, 2012 in Argentina’s Tucuman.

More from the Eleventh Havana Biennial

The workshop organized by Cuban artist Tomas Nuñez (Johnny) at Obispo 465 (Sosabravo workshop) has three more sessions to go, it turns out to be a complement of his collateral solo

Uta Barth: a Brief Light Reflection

Fourteen pieces belonging to three series created between 2011 and 2012, signed by L.A.-based German photographer Uta Barth, are being exposed since May 23 at the Elvira Gonzalez Gallery in Madrid

Arcos Dorados de Pintura Latinoamericana

Peruvian artist Iosu Aramburu was chosen winner of Acquisition Award during the third edition of Arcos Dorados de Pintura Latinoamericana (Golden Arches of Latin American Painting) Contest, within


Thru July 20, 2012, the Jerome Zodo Contemporary Gallery (Italy’s Milan) is presenting Celebrating Destruction, the first-ever individual exhibition in that country by artist Eugeni


Rebeca Menendez’s first solo show is going to be inaugurated on June 5 at ARANAPOVEDA Galeria, to be open through July 25, within the framework of PhotoEspaña2012.

The Caribbean and Central America in Arte por Excelencias 14

The Caribbean and Central America are back in the limelight in this issue, with texts that tackle specific situations in Jamaica and events in the Dominican Republic, while private art collections

New Exhibition at Excelencias Cultural Space

Excelencias Cultural Spacewill be inaugurating, on Friday May 18 at 19:00 hours, painting and sculpture exhibition Cuatro artistas, una mirada iberoamericana, by acclaimed artists Felip

Xilitla: The Unfinished Dream

At a site topped by a green foliage, deep in the jungle of Mexico’ s Huasteca, surrounded by a crushing humidity, Edward James, a wealthy man from Scotland, amateur painter, poe


Diego Herrera, Y

The Emperor’s New Suit: “He’s Naked!”

Guillermo Machuca is a renowned theoretician, art critic, curator and academician in Chile, a man who in recent years has opted for some kind of silence or low profile. Far from leadi

Q & A with Liliana Porter

Liliana Porter (1941) shoots with the effectiveness of a haiku through simple operations, with clean images and common objects placed in absurd or paradoxical situations. The


Ethnotopia isa strategy of artistic representation, based on the synergic articulation of elements regarding the way of living and the habitat of a specific human group, obtaining as

Lasa in the Eleventh Havana Biennial

The Artistic Laboratory of San Agustin(LASA) is making headlines againin this Eleventh Biennial. Following its foundation four years ago in this community located in the west of Havana, it’s