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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Jorge Vigil: Fear to Heights

Jorge Vigil’s solo show was inaugurated on Tuesday December 4 at Lima’s Enlace Arte Contemporaneo. The title: La cuarta cifra, alludes to the creation period of pieces, worked

FIART 2012: Plural Craft Production

Cuba’s Fund of Cultural Assets is presently focused on the intensity entailed by holding one of the most significant events of its annual schedule: FIART 2012 26th Crafts International Fair

Fine Arts, Havana: A Deluxe Invitation

The Cuban Art Building, which belongs to the National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana, hosted last December 14 the ribbon-cutting ceremony of an exhibition carried out by Ernesto Fernandez Nogueras,

Art Scene in Chile: Ch.ACo vs Chacoff

Chile’s contemporary art fair, Ch.ACO, was created in 2009 to promote the market of art and the emerging local collecting. This year, from Estacion Mapocho Cultural Center, a patrimonial bui

Flyn's Origins: Q & A with Michael Elliot

Michael Elliott, known as Flyn, is part of a new generation of Jamaican artists that can be defined by its desire to create spaces for a creative practice linked to global concerns and concepts ar

REST in Blue

From the eighties many artists and designers appealed to the resource of creating sculptural furniture or sculptures that could be considered as furniture. To go again into these constructive expe

Q & A with Diana Domingues on Hybrid Images and Data Landscapes

(...) Technology has been a frequent tool in my career since the very beginning, in late 1970s and early 1980s. At that time people were talking and debating on what technology repres

Four Years of Arte por Excelencias

Keynote Speech on the 15th Issue

Nearly twenty years ago, during an unforgettable morning, I heard from Cintio Vitier, in one of the cubicles lo

Memoirs of the Havana Biennial 1984-1999

Amid the intense days of the Eleventh Havana Biennial, held in May and June this year, and which got the attention of several sectors of the public and critics, it was presented to the nation'


The Villa Manuela Gallery, of the Cuban Writers and Artists Union (UNEAC), participated in the Fair Lima Photo along with other 26 exhibition spaces, among which there were 9 from Per

Set the Can on Fire. Interview with Mónica Ferreras

By the hand of an ancestral dialogical combination, Mónica Ferreras has created an exceptional body of work in the visual arts in the Dominican Republic. This unique character

Two Citizens of Utopia

Utopia is without a doubt the quintessence of dreamers, thinkers and artists, the force behind movements and revolutions. It is in many cases the inspiration of conflicts and changes made by human

The Conceptualism of Marcos Lora Read

Marcos Lora is an author of profound aesthetic spectrum, who is not exitist, who makes drawings, installations, objects, paintings, video, site-specific projects and artist books. He was b

The Caribbean, One and Multiple

Aruba hosted between July and November 2012 the biennial meeting named Arte Contemporaneo di Caribe, first time in the region, sponsored by that Caribbean nation’s Ministry of C