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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Sandra Cinto’s “In Silence” in Matadero Madrid

Matadero Madrid is going to open – Friday 13, 19 h. – “In Silence”, a site specific installation developed by Brazilian artist Sandra Cinto for Matadero Madrid’s Gran Escala program. It’s a program

Isabel Hurley Gallery Opens David Escalona & Chantal Maillard’s “Where do Birds Die”

“Where do Birds Die (Dónde mueren los pájaros)” is a project that came out of the dialogue kept between David Escalona and Chantal Maillard over the years; a meeting with plenty of small development

Alex Hernández’s “Seasons” in Galiano Gallery

EHavana’s Galiano Gallery is going to host on June 7 the opening of Alex Hernández’s “Seasons (Temporadas)”.

"Painting as a Language" Workshop to be Launched at CDAV in Havana

The first issue of “Painting as a Language” workshops is going to be launched on Friday at 7 p.m. at the backyard of the Visual Arts Development Center (CDAV is the Spanish acronym) in H

“Picnic Sessions 2014. About Silence, its Presences” in CA2M, starting on June 5

The festival, instead of being held on the terrace roof for a few hours, will be taking one of the museum’s floors throughout Saturday October 25, thus doubling the number of scheduled concerts and

Fernando Maselli’s “HIEROPHANIES”

Artist Fernando Maselli’s “Hierophanies (Hierofanías)” is going to be opened on June 5, 20:00h, at CEART (Tomás & Valiente Art Center), Fuenlabrada (Madr

Mapfre Foundation Inaugurates Exhibition Hall in Madrid

Mapfre Foundation opened on May 28 its brand-new exhibition hall at Calle Bárbara de Braganza 13, right in front of the National Library, in Madrid.

Sancti Spíritus: a Tribute to Visual Arts in the 500th Anniversary

On June 4, such visual arts expressions as painting and photography joined the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the foundation of Sancti Spíritus, the fourth Cuban village.

2014 PHotoEspaña Pays Tribute to Spanish Photography with over One Hundred Shows by 440 Artists

The 17th edition of the Festival dedicates its program to Spanish photography and proposes a tour throughout different generations and approaches from its origins to date, thus shedding light on it

2014 MULAFEST to Take IFEMA with Urban Art

It is Madrid’s Festival of Urban Trends and Culture, organized by MULA and IFEMA, and it’s scheduled to hold its third editionon June 26 - 29. An agglutinating event on urban culture, wh

Cidade da Cultura Announces 4th Meeting of New Artists

The Ministry of Culture, Education and University Regulation calls to the 4th Cidade da Cultura Meeting of New Artists (IV Encontro de Artistas Novos Cidade da Cultura), in which

"Open Times", Funds of Álava’s Artium Collection

Fuenlabrada’s CEART is going to house throughout May, June3 and July the exhibition "Open Times (Tiempos Abiertos)" funds of Álava’s ARTIUM col

Sala Alcalá 31 Showcases Chema Conesa. Paper Portraits

Sala Alcalá 31 exhibits, April 29 - July 27, Chema Conesa. Paper Portraits (Chema Conesa. Retratos de papel), a retrospective by the artist that was given the 2011 Culture Award on P

“Miradas” in Factoría Habana

Factoría Habana opened on May 24 the exhibition Miradas, curated by Concha Fontenla. This show tries to pay tribute to the 30th anniversary of Havana Biennale.