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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.
Passion de l’été pour l’hiver, still, Lili Dujourie, 1981 Cera-collectie bij M Leuven © de kunstenaar & Argos Centre for Audiovisual Arts

M Leuven. DOKA

The exhibition focuses on the necessity and pleasure of attentive viewing, inviting the public to question familiar physical or mental spaces, and the associated conventions.
Sara Flores, Untitled Shao-Maya-Kene-2022 © Courtesy the artist and White Cube

White Cube Paris. Sara Flores

White Cube is pleased to present the first solo exhibition in Europe of works by Sara Flores (b.1950, lives and works in Peru), one of the foremost contemporary artists emerging from the Amazonian basi
Marine Hugonnier, Meadow Report, 2021 Film 35mm, color, sonido Courtesy the artist © Marine Hugonnier

Marine Hugonnier. Field Reports

The Film & Video exhibitions program at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is permanently committed to contemporary artistic practices associated with the moving image.
 Kay Rosen, Kiss of Death, 2011 Private collection, Bremen, Germany


The Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst is presenting the first institutional solo exhibition of Kay Rosen in Europe.
Antoni Tàpies, Gran triangle, 1990 Paint and varnish on canvas 285,5 x 390,5 cm © Successió Antoni Tàpies/ Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co.

Antoni Tàpies Les Armes d'Éros

"Les Armes d’Éros" presents a group of a dozen paintings on wood and canvas, made up of assemblages of various objects and materials emblematic of the artist’s work: sand, varnish, paint, pencils, etc.
Vera Molnar, Croix, Drawings, 2023 © Courtesy the artist and Galerie 8+4

Galerie 8+4. Vera Molnár. A Hundred (or a Thousand) Ways of Doing Things

"100 crosses" to mark her 100th birthday, "100 crosses" as a way of revisiting her practice with a sense of humour, "100 crosses" destined to form a unique ensemble covering the wall of Galerie 8 + 4.
Haus-Rucker-Co (Günter Zamp Kelp, Klaus Pinter) HRC-Studio 491 Broadway, 1971 Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

Lentos Kunstmuseum: Haus-Rucker-Co Breathing Zones

The exhibition is based on the Günter Zamp Kelp Archive purchased by the City of Linz and on significant works by Haus-Rucker-Co acquired by the Lentos Kunstmuseum in 2020.
Art Paris 2024: exhibitors and themes

Art Paris 2024: exhibitors and themes

The 26th edition at the Grand Palais Éphémère comprises 135 art galleries from 25 countries.
Miguel Scheroff: Here comes the wolf!

Miguel Scheroff: Here comes the wolf!

The Yusto/Giner gallery presents the new individual exhibition of Miguel Scheroff in its space in Marbella.
Corran Brownlee: 'FORGE'

Corran Brownlee: 'FORGE'

A series of mixed media artworks by the Canadian artist Corran Brownlee will be presented at GR gallery from December 15, 2023 to January 13, 2024, curated by Christy Thompson.
ABMB23__General_Impressions__PR__MC__028._HiRes/ Courtesy of Art Basel

Art Basel returned to Miami Beach with a successful 2023 edition

Bringing together 277 leading international galleries across its five sectors, the show attracted an overall attendance of 79,000 throughout its VIP and public days.
 Installation of the exhibition 'Giovanni Battista Moroni, the portrait of his time' at the Gallerie d'Italia Milan (Roberto Serra / Iguana / Gallerie d'Italia)

Gallerie d’Italia celebrates the genius of Giovan Battista Moroni with a carefully curated exhibition in Milan

All of Moroni’s canvases are characterised by a startling naturalism and vitality, and have great psychological penetration.
Pinta Miami

Pinta Miami returns to the Hangar in Coconut Grove!

From December 6-10, the 2023 edition of Pinta Miami will take place to celebrate and showcase the best of Latin American and world art during Miami Art Week.
de ou par Marcel Duchamp ou Rrose Sélavy (Boîte-en-valise) (from or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Sélavy [Box in a Valise]), 1935–41 Deluxe edition I of XX Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York) © Association Marcel Duchamp, by SIAE 2023

Marcel Duchamp and the Lure of the Copy

This is the very first exhibition at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection devoted exclusively to Duchamp, among the most influential and innovative artists of the twentieth century and a longtime friend and