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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Tenth Cuenca Biennial. Reality and new times

Q & A with Head Curator.

Editorial - 3

Art by Excelencias puts its sight on the fine arts to address, in an updated fashion, the ongoing developments and their influence in the Americas and the Caribbean, such as the Central American Isthmu

Four in a Drawer

Earlier today I skimmed throug

RED. An exhibit of Cuban posters curated by designer Pepe Menendez Havana, 2009

Red is the color that correspo

Editorial 2 English

We’re giving our readers the second issue of our Art by Excelencias magazine. Based on the first issue’s magnificent acclaim among artists, critics and researchers in the realm of the fine arts, the Ex

Between Us and the Interpreter: Minimal Notes on an Exhibit by Rene Francisco

It’s understood that Rene Fran

A Watchful Eye. Kinetic art in Havana

For Matilde Perez (Chile, 1920

A Shock in the Paradise of Symbol

What does Doris Salcedo evoke when she orders to choose the floor of the Hall of Turbines with a 547-foot-long crack?

The Havana Biennial. 25 Years of Integration and Resistance

It’s becoming increasingly nec

Reeking of Anthropological Danger

Sometimes I’ve said on televis

Yoan Capote. Reasons of the Senses

Will Duchamp’s lesson never en

Edwin Rojas. Metaphor of a Journey

Scenes within scenes. A theater entertained by the deliriousness of the boxes inside the frame

claudio Antonio Gomez

Claudio Antonio Gomes was b

Antonio Martorell. I Want it All, and I Want it All the Time

Antonio Martorell is a regular