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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Art and Life a journey timeframe: Hildamaria’s most recent work

Hildamaria’s most recent works are formulated in the atavistic language of human wisdom through multiple sources. A deep polytheism passes right through them because the heart o

6th Ventosul, the Curitiba Biennial

Under the title Beyond the Crisis, preps for the sixth edition of Ventosul Curitiba Biennial are underway in this city as the event is slated from Sept. 17 to Nov. 19. Head curators are A

The art of fallacy

“The work is worth a lump sum” (Damien Hirst)

Damien Hirst acts as his own intermediary, without taking the vital impulse that might

entijuanarte rEVOLUCIONa. Sociological art

Every artistic expression or intervention is born and projected in response to a cultural need. Such is the case of Revolucion Avenue, the oldest avenue of the city of Tijuana, BC (th

Editorial - 10

The Brazilian fine arts take center stage in the tenth issue of Arte por Excelencias magazine. The article, penned by Ruth Klotzel, introduces a brief yet representative graphic swatch of

Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Two in the CAAM

Spanish young artist Jesus Zurita’s exhibition, titled EL OLOR PERFECTO, kicked off this Wednesday June 22 at the Atlantic Center of Modern Art (CAAM) in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Cuatro horas de crecimiento

The Cuatro horas de crecimiento exhibition, by Spanish artist Elena Garcia Jimenez, will be inaugurated on June 25 at Sicart Gallery.

Sector Reforma: A New Volume

Sector Reforma has been one of the most famous projects on contemporary art in recent years, in Mexico, due to its peculiar and stunning insertion in the society. It has promoted the intervention

ERRE: Critic exercise from beauty

In her article for La Jornada en Linea, Merry MacMasters wrote about the duality between “rough” –in the thematic aspect– and aesthetically beautiful elements in M

Decorative Arts in Alsace, France

Upcoming July 2 will witness the opening of Lalique Museum, one-of-its-kind in Europe and deeply rooted into its history. This new institution, that has been included in the “Musée de

Painting the Patagonia

A resulting exhibition from the 2010-2011 Third International Contest on Teraike Realist Painting, was inaugurated on June 14 at the Parque Forestal Contemporary Art Museum of Chile University, wh

Lu Guang at Gao Magee Gallery, Madrid

The multi-prizewinning Chinese artist Lu Guang will be exhibiting, through July 30, a documental photographic selection in Madrid, in the framework of PhotoEspaña International Festival.

Satellite Lessons

La tierra comprometida (The land

Siqueiros: The New Face of a Muralist

Muralist Siqueiros gave a curious name to these pieces currently exposed at the Carrillo Gil Museum: “transportable paintings” for he considers them sketches that could someday grow to