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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Catharsis and Exorcism in Sandra Ramos

When someone has the privilege of seeing as a sequence the work of Sandra Ramos, on a disk with neat images, you get the impression of having entered with Alice in her journey through the unreal wonder

Conect Art

The vast possibilities opened up by the Internet from its start to date in terms of connectivity, simultaneity of actions and massive consumption of different topics and knowledge, have also entailed

Contemporary Dominican Sculpture

During the second half of the 19th century it began to take shape in the Dominican Republic. It was a national art form that though mainly expressed through pictorial art, counted on an essential expon

Interiors and Circumstances of the Abstract

If there’s an esthetic expression that arouses amazement and suspicions virtually all around the planet, coupled with digressions, surprises and imitations –especially in the field of arts– that’s abst

Craving Marianela (and Maria Regla)

When the gender theories are unknown, when no reading has been made, the joke seems to be the perfect way out. Feminism is more about lesbians with pent-up feelings, the interpretation of queer has to

Art and Literature on the String

The first thing that strikes the attention is the way it is marketed, dangling from strings that display dozens or hundreds of pamphlets. That’s where the name stems from: literature on string. Heiress

Editorial 6

Since early 2010, Art by Excelencias has worked hard to beef up its stance worldwide and strengthen its distribution channels with foundations, art galleries, museums, academic centers and institu

Writings of Argentinean Art: Between Researchers and Curators

“Exhibitions are stages of different insights and imply a true construction of senses”. With this statement, Maria Jose Herrera1 began the presentation of an important compilation (Exhibitions of Argen

Teresa Margolles: Death is Beautiful

The tragedy of a physical death will cause commotion; an allegoric death will make people shake far beyond the beauty it portrays

Survival of photography

Since the year 2001, the Urban Culture Foundation (FCU) in Venezuela has been implementing an inter-generic multiple editorial program that includes the FCU’s main collection, the Cuadernos series spec

The Eyes of Alfonso Reyes

Borges who, as everyone knows, did not pride himself of being condescending, wrote a great praise about Alfonso Reyes; a few verses that could be either the preface or the conclusion of the book recent

A Fleeting and Disguised Witness?

Amazement came first. Is Severo Sarduy a painter? The novelist who wrote Cobra and Where We Come From, the poet of Big Band and Mood Indigo, the collaborating writer of larger-than-life magazine Tel Qu

José Villa. An Adventure of Transfiguration

The author is an almost hermetical person, but with a deep internal eloquence. He was basically trained in Europe, mainly in the socialist Czechoslovakia, and was born at the hospitable and swaying cit

Issues 4 and 5 of Art by Excelencias Magazine Presented in Havana

The presentation of issues 4 and 5 of the Art by Excelencias magazine served as the perfect occasion to observe the day of the press and celebrate the first year of this printed publication and its dig