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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

JAZZ at Enlace

The Enlace Arte Contemporáneo Gallery in Lima presented Thursday an engraving profile entitled Jazz, the graphic work of ten Peruvian and foreign artists dedicated to all-time jazz


Bearing in mind the suggestion made by our Facebook friend Dorian Notario, we’re now posting the news on the (e)merge Fair, an event targeting

Mercosur Essays

Ensayos de geopoetica (Geo-poetics essays) is the title identifying the 8th Mercosur Biennial to be held in Porto Alegre, between September and November 2011, with the guardianship of Col

Sculpting Materiality

“Salvador Allende” Museum of Solidarity kicked off this year’s program with the inauguration of Sculpere-Esculpir. Forma, volumen y espacio: poéticas de la materialida

TEFAF was over, last sunday

Maastricht: Some 260 antique dealers and gallery owners from 16 countries exhibited at TEFAF (The European Fine Art Fair), fair of art and antiques from the Netherlands, until March 27.

Camporeale Characters

Lima: The Enlace Arte Contemporáneo Gallery –Avenida Pardo y Aliaga 676, San Isidro– will open on March 31 an individual exhibit of paintings by Argentine artist Sergio Camporea

Mexico in Arteamericas

The ninth edition of the Arteamericas Latin America Art Fair will present the latest trends in painting, sculpturing and multimedia by both contemporary artists and renowned masters this weekend (


Until Aug. 7, the Tamayo Museum will present the recently-opened Abstracción Possible / Abstract Possible, a collective exhibit within the framework of the Microhistories &


Buenos Aires: Poéticas contemporáneas. Itinerarios en las artes visuales en la Argentina de los 90 al 2010 (Contemporary Poetics: Itineraries in the visual arts of Argentina


Beyond the Crisis, labeling the sixth edition of Ventosul the Curitiba Biennial –slated for this city from Sept. 17 to Nov. 19- lays out a behavior that has to do with today’s

Retable for Master Matta

Madrid: The venue of Cervantes Institute displays Don Qui (through May 8). El Quixote de Matta, 35 works (most of them are lithographs) in which artist Roberto Matta interpreted

Pablo Helguera, Participative Art

Artist and independent curator Pablo Helguera (Mexico, 1971), was the winner of the first International Participative Art Prize of all finalists that included Mel Chin (U.S., 1951) and Jeanne van

Graphic Studies by Pierre Verger

Havana: Three picture exhibitions carried out by French anthropologist Pierre Verger were inaugurated this week: Cuba, una imagen en Pierre Verger (Photographic library of Cuba), De B


Chilean artists Rodrigo Cabezas and Mario Soro have put together an exhibition of unpublished artwork at the D21 gallery displaying great part of the concerns and obsessions the two shared back in