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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Paper for Eduardo Chillida

The indispensable Spanish creator Eduardo Chillida passed away in August 2002, and ten years later Galeria Cayon proposed to pay tribute to this artist with the exhibition titled Papier d&eacu

Honeycombs, Nets and Other Social Networks

Notes onthe 3rd Edition of the Poly-Graphic Triennial in San Juan


One of the most interesting elem

Making a place: sculpture and territory in Latin America

Public sculpture has played a decisive role in the construction of the Latin American territorial imaginary. After independence, and once the continental integration project failed, “the ter

Local Color. The photograph of Marcos Lopez

Last February Marcos Lopez (Santa Fe, Argentina, 1958) inaugurated its 4th exhibition at the Fernando Pradilla Gallery of Madrid. Titled Local Color, the public coul

San Agustin is in Caracas too

(...) We are witnessing times when art lacks of the prominence that previously fell on the “work in process”, where the idea doesn’t seem to be important for the art

The Illusion: A Form of Seduction

(...)  Starting sometimes from reality, Gelabert constructs a series of evocative landscapes where the grotesque is the essence of this work which refers us to a situation create

Of new figurations…

Oh, the “new” painting… how many tensions has it brought about in the mind and work of artists, art critics, curators, art dealers? Nowadays, remaining fai

Swab, Barcelona. 23.05 – 26.06.12

The fifth edition of the young fair on emerging art, Swab, was held in Barcelona on May 23 - 26. You might think that the saturated program of fairs, the galloping economic crisis and

Fair Yes, But Not Only That

While the primary objective of arteBA (like allart fairs) is selling works, its successive editions have gone beyond the purely commercial purposes and have become the cultural event

Thinking Contra La Toxina

The exercise of the review on the review doesn’t have an important presence in Cuba. The truth is that within the handful of specialized magazines that we have, there is some ro

Marzx Rosado and Art as a Beauty Experience

(...) Do you usually work on elements of domestic origin, resizing them to other areas?

I have several pieces where I turn to the domestic univ

About events and their actors...

The magazine is reaching its 15th issue with a vast assortment of critical comments, notes and reviews on major events that have taken place this year in the region and around the world, and that

Curating in the Caribbean

In describing the contemporary condition in art of the Caribbean Diaspora, what he calls the ‘Third Moment,’ Stuart Hall identifies two major factors impacting the movemen

dOCUMENTA (13): Between the Collapse of the Doubt and the Recovery of the Search

Last June 9th in Kassel, Germany, with the leitmotiv Collapse and Recovery and under the artistic direction of Italian-American curator Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, the doors