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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

Jumex Museum: HYPERTEXT Hugh Everett’s Theory of Parallel Universes, with Sergio de Regules

Hipertexto (Hypertext) is a program that, in parallel with the shows of Jumex Contemporary Art Foundation, complements and develops their topics. With the collaboration of experts from diff

Maria Jose Jove Foundation Announces 6th ARTEJOVE-N International Biennale Award

Maria Jose Jove Foundation announces the 6th -ARTEJOVE-N International Art Biennale Award in an effort to foster the art spreading and promote young artists. It’s an international e

Chilean Art at Casa, Museum

Chilean art in Cuban collections. National Museum of Fine Arts and Casa de las Americas exhibition is set to be inaugurated on January 24 at the Universal Art Building of MNBA (Spanish acro

Bill Viola [in Dialogue] with Ancient Masters

The San Fernando Royal Fine Arts Academy, the General Departmental Division of Fine Arts Promotion, Sabadell Bank Foundation and NF Gallery propose (January 11 - March 30) an approach to Bill Viola&

2013 Call for the Artistic Residency Program for Creators from Latin America, Haiti

The 2013 Call for the Artistic Residency Program for Creators from Latin America and Haiti in Mexico will be open through February 19, as announced by the Mexican government by means of the Foreign

MUSAC to Present Three Brand-New Shows on Saturday January 18

- A UA CRAG fund to the wall

- A pause to reflect. Production, management and creation scholarships at MUSAC

DISPOSITIVOS POST- | S+T+I: Artistic Practices, Networks of Citizen Action in Post-Crisis Contexts

DISPOSITIVOS POST- | S+T+I is a project that features different phases in order to reflect, imagine, debate and propose interventions and collaborations, so as to establish a relati

Talk Series by #FundaciónARCO in Different Spanish Cities

#FundaciónARCO starts a program of presentations in different Spanish cities aimed at establishing links between collectors out of Madrid and ARCOmadrid. Titled “Everything you ever

2014 Museo del Prado Seminars

After the positive result obtained by the first Museo del Prado Seminar, headed this year by Félix de Azúa, the Museum announces two new seminars to be also directed by the prestigious

Variations in Black: Black Times …Art in Black

Within these black times, there is nothing like amusing ourselves with artworks in which black plays the leading role. Putting on our best face? Well, yes because these are times of frustration and

35th International Festival of the New Latin American Cinema

The opening gala of the 35th edition of the International Festival of the New Latin American Cinema kicked off at Havana’s Carlos Marx Theater with words on the world leader Nelson

Belén Serrano: Absence Looks

Photographer Belén Serrano’s Absence Looks (Miradas de Ausencia) display is set to be opened on December 18 at Madrid’s Alcobendas Art Center.

Héctor Garrido: The Merge between Photographer and his Target

The well-trained eye of Spanish photographer Héctor Garrido, turns Illuminated Cuba (Cuba iluminada) into an exhibition that features high aesthetic, conceptual and human va

Luis Enrique Camejo: The Island of the Day After, A Spiritual Moment

«The idea of this exhibition came out of a conversation I held with Alfredo Guevara, who told me that, when he was just a kiddo, he saw from the balcony of his home —near the bay of Hava