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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.
Salvador Dalí Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War) (Detail)(1936) © Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). The Louise and Walter Arensberg collection  

IMAGINE! 100 Years of International Surrealism

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium are inaugurating IMAGINE!, an extraordinary international touring exhibition conceived in close collaboration with the Centre Pompidou (Paris).
Niki de Saint Phalle b. 1930, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, d. 2002, La Jolla, California Untitled, 1979 Wax crayon, acrylic, and colored pencil on fiberglass 67.3 × 125.7 × 62.2 cm Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Gift, Susan Morse Hilles Estate 2002.38 Photo: Ariel Ione Williams, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. © Niki Charitable art Foundation, VEGAP, Bilbao, 2024

Signs and Objects. Pop Art from the Guggenheim Collection

The works in this exhibition, presented with—and sometimes transformed by—humor, wit, and irony, may be read as both an unabashed celebration and a scathing critique of popular culture.
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Man Seated in an Armchair Juan-les-Pins, summer, 1925 Oil-modified paint on canvas. 100 × 81 cm Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, Madrid © FABA Photo: Hugard & Vanoverschelde © Succession Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2024

Museo Picasso Málaga. 2024 Programme

Around 150 works by Pablo Picasso will be presented with the title “Pablo Picasso: Structures of Invention. The Unity of a Life’s Work“.
 Claudia  Andujar. Floresta  amazónica  Pará  da  série  Sonhos  Yanomami  Amazon  Forest  Pará  from  Yanomami  Dream  series. Courtesy  Galeria  Vermelho

Deichtorhallen. Claudia Andujar.The End of the World

Her works testify to the photographer's longstanding commitment to the commitment to the protection of the Yanomami, one of the largest indigenous communities in the communities in the Brazilian Amazon

Aargauer Kunsthaus. Augusto Giacometti

The comprehensive presentation focuses on a multi-faceted artistic personality whose oeuvre is considered to be one of the highest expressions of art from the first half of the 20th century.
Yoko Ono, Half A Room, 1967, from Half A Wind Show, Lisson Gallery, London, 1967, Photograph Clay Perry / Artwork Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind

Delve into the powerful, participatory work of artist and activist Yoko Ono
Jaume Plensa, Unseen Macbeth I, 2022. Mixed media, collage, resin and enamel paint on handmade paper, 90 x 117 cm. © Studio Plensa / Courtesy Galerie Lelong & Co.

Galerie Lelong & Co. Paris: Jaume Plensa. Miroirs (collages)

In the other exhibited new series, Miroirs (Mirrors), Plensa took inspiration from a poem by Baudelaire, Les Litanies de Satan [Satan’s Litanies].
LA Art Show

DIVERSEartLA Returns to the LA Art Show: Exploring the Intersection of Memory, Humanity, and AI

The LA Art Show is committed to presenting dynamic programming that raises awareness about important contemporary issues facing humanity. This year, we explore the intersection of memory, humanity, and
Sergej Jensen Older. Works and Shadow Paintings

Sergej Jensen Older. Works and Shadow Paintings

A selection of work from the past two decades displays Jensen’s varied formal treatments of the pictorial, often maintaining a reservation toward painting, revering its absence by ‘painting without pai
Shigeki Matsuyama: “Anonymous Heroes”

Shigeki Matsuyama: “Anonymous Heroes”

Solo Exhibition. February 16 - March 09
Eight films presented at the San Sebastian Festival rack up a total of 21 Goya Awards

Eight films presented at the San Sebastian Festival rack up a total of 21 Goya Awards

'Society of the Snow', winner of the City of Donostia / San Sebastián Audience Award for Best Film, was the most lauded film of the night.
Outi Pieski, Rematriation of a Ládjogahpir / Return to Máttaráhkká, Installation view, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

Tate St Ives: Outi Pieski

Discover visual artist Outi Pieski’s exploration of identity, culture and environment.
Art Basel

Art Basel reveals galleries and expanded program for its 2024 edition in Basel

Art Basel reveals 287 leading galleries and expanded city-wide program for its 2024 edition in Basel, the first led by the show's new Director Maike Cruse.
Direction (Direzione), 1967–68 Fabric, glass, and metal 24.3 x 420 x 335 cm Tate, London. Purchased with funds provided by an anonymous donor 2009 © Giovanni Anselmo Photo: © Tate Images

Giovanni Anselmo: Beyond the Horizon

This exhibition is a comprehensive analysis of the practice of an artist who is considered a key referent in Arte Povera yet managed to develop his career avoiding any label or classification.