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Swab Barcelona

Swab Barcelona announces the 70 galleries taking part in its 17th edition

Swab 2024 will focus on the effervescent art scene in East Asia, with the city of Taipei as abenchmark on the contemporary Asian scene, beingthe protagonist of the SOLO Show by Vila Casas and Video Box programmes, dedicated to video art, and Tokyo and Seoul, as the protagonists of the Focus Tokyo - Seoul curated programme, which brings together young spaces from both metropolises.

ART MADRID, Makeshift Art Gallery

Beyond commercial purposes, perhaps the most valuable merit of an art fair is turning its sites into intense-use galleries, for a heterogenic audience, mobilized by the peremptory character of the

Multidirectional Looks at Reality

The exhibit entitled Laberinto de miradas. Un recorrido por la fotografía documental en Iberoamérica (A Maze of Looks: A Tour around Documental Photography in Hispanic Ameri

Body, Genre and Identity of La Conservera

Murcia: The sixth cycle of expositions at La Conservera, featuring works by fine artists Pilar Albarracin (Seville, Spain-1968), William Cordova (Lima, Peru-1971), Kalup Linzy (Florida, U.S.A.-197

Public Space Intervention

March 12 sets the deadline for the call of public space intervention projects, part of Ceci n'est pas une voiture. Artefactos móviles acechan al museo project, boosted by Idens

EXIT EXPRESS: Clearing Up Doubts

The theme “2011: A Year Full of Doubts” is presiding over the publishing of issue 56 of EXIT EXPRESS, the Spanish magazine on art information and debate.

Avant-Garde Art: PIC 2011

San Cristobal de Las Casas: The Cerillo Gallery and Studio is calling on all artists to present a free-theme project, either individually or collectively, in the form of site specific, performance


Several international art fairs will be taking place in Madrid during the course of this month, a space where contemporary creation is, at the same time, center and mobilizing substratum of cultur

MUJER, by Mariano Cobo

Madrid: Casa de la Moneda Museum will be showcasing through March 21 the Mujer (Woman) exhibition, organized by Peña Periodística Primera Plana: more than a hundred works ma

Adrian Villar Rojas and Fernando Prats in the en la 54th Venice Biennial

Artists Adrian Villar Rojas and Fernando Prats will represent their countries (Argentina and Chile) in the 54th edition of Venice Biennial, June 4 November 27.

3rd COLLECTION and Reasoned Catalogue in CA2M

Madrid: The CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (May 2nd Art Center) showcases, through April 24, a new exhibition on its collection and it’ll the first time a reasoned catalogue is published on

Other readings of DISCURSO DEL METODO

Malaga: Metodo del discurso: paintings and constructive sculptures developed with aid of bomb disposal robots, is Fernando Sanchez Castillo’s proposal and it’s organized by th


A new platform for the art market will be launched next month on the web: ART.SY, an American portal whose main goal is to become the world’s largest database of original works and enhance t


Barcelona: Until March 29, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA) will be presenting The Form of Thinking by The Otolith Group, an artistic bunch founded in London in 2001 by Anjalika Sag

Region 0: Iberian-American Video Art Festival

The deadline for the registration of works at the Region 0 Iberian American Video Art Festival expires on February 21. The event is scheduled for March 24 to 26 in the King Juan Carlos I Center at