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“Studio Hirshhorn” Videos Invite Art Lovers Behind the Scenes Before Major Art Exhibitions on the National Mall

“Studio Hirshhorn” Videos Invite Art Lovers Behind the Scenes Before Major Art Exhibitions on the National Mall

Today, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden has launched a first-of-its-kind video series, “Studio Hirshhorn,” inviting viewers behind the scenes from the earliest planning of an exhibition to the big reveal in the museum.  The shorts reveal the genesis of a major exhibition, inviting audiences to learn about the artists and their art through the exhibition-making processes. 

Studio Hirshhorn kicks off with a series featuring OSGEMEOS in their Sao Paulo, Brazil studio preparing for “Endless Story,” their largest US museum survey, which opens Sept. 29. The nine “Studio Hirshhorn: OSGEMEOS” videos will be integrated into the Museum’s social media storytelling, exhibition design, and accompanying monograph using Hirshhorn Eye, the Museum’s award-winning smartphone guide. 

Studio Hirshhorn x OSGEMEOS was made in partnership with artists Gustavo and Otavio Pandolfo (b. São Paulo, Brazil, 1974)—known globally as OSGEMEOS. In less than two-minutes, each short reveals one facet of the traditionally hidden process that contemporary artists and their museum partners share before an exhibition. The debut introduces OSGEMEOS, their scale model of the Hirshhorn’s circular galleries and themes central to their practice including music, graffiti, and outer space in their own words. 

To access Studio Hirshhorn videos featuring OSGEMEOS, visit the exhibition’s website or the Museum’s YouTube channel. 

Source: SUTTON New York